Software Engineer: Build your Brand and Social Media Presence

Software Engineer: Build your Brand and Social Media Presence

The power of social media can be harnessed by software engineers who believe they can change the world through technology. Social media has a world of possibilities for Software Engineers, including developer advocacy, influencer marketing, remote work, and compensated speaking engagements worldwide.

A positive impact on the technology ecosystem, building your brand and expanding your network can all be achieved through social media while making money. As a software engineer, 

the struggle lies in establishing a personal brand and expanding your network across various social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and even TikTok. Your first goal should be to get your name out there and build a solid foundation for yourself.

Below are some of the ways to build your brand and increase your social media presence:

Blogging & Vlogging

An essential part of blogging is sharing your thoughts and feelings about what you care about. On the other hand, Vlogging is the practice of creating video content about your personal experiences, reviews, and feelings on various topics. You can use Blogging and Vlogging to show off your skills as a software engineer. People and potential employers want to see an overview of your work and skills, which is why you want to get them to come to your website in the first place. In addition to posting your blogs and vlogs on your website, you can also use other platforms, such as YouTube to distribute your content. Youtube is a great way to advertise and market your brand, and they’ll pay you once your channel is monetised upon hitting certain milestones in views and subscribers.


LinkedIn is a must-have for anyone looking for a job or looking to expand their professional network. Many people have no idea how to take advantage of the platform to its full potential. Keep your profile up-to-date with a current professional photo and your most up-to-date professional information, including your current position, title, responsibilities, awards, education, and other relevant information. Make a slew of new friends who share your professional passions. Recruiters use industry/sector and job position filters to look for potential hires, so make sure you’ve updated your profile’s industry/sector and job position sectors.

Connect with Other Software Engineers and Professionals

Join Facebook groups for software engineers and other professionals. You may find much help from other software engineers by doing this. With this, you can connect with people who share your interests. Hiring managers also participate in these groups to find qualified candidates for their companies.

Advertise your Content and Brand

Investing in social media marketing requires a significant investment of time and money. Your content can go a long way if you use paid advertising on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok and Instagram. Ad packages are available on each platform, and you can select the one that best suits your ad campaign. Ads on social media will allow you to reach a much larger audience and provide you with data on how people are engaging with your content, both of which will help you improve your website’s SEO ranking. A solid social media presence can help you build a strong personal brand that will help you land a job and expand your network. Follow our tips, and good luck!

Hiring Great Developers is Easy if you Know What to Look For

Hiring Great Developers is Easy if you Know What to Look For

Hiring developers is difficult due to an insufficiency of qualified candidates. Nine out of ten people who took the survey said it was difficult to locate and hire qualified technical personnel. How about the other 90% of recruiters who don’t have trouble finding developers to work for them? Why do they have an easier time? Maybe they have different criteria in deciding if a developer is qualified or not.

The prevailing hypothesis is that recruiters are just saying it’s hard to find developers because they’re not looking hard enough. Perhaps it’s time to recognise that it may be harder than previously thought. At some point, the hiring process for technical positions got so complicated that what started as a simple process became almost impossible.

Is there a secret to finding the best developers? Hiring great developers is as simple as following this one rule: Know whom you’re looking to hire! While it may seem self-evident, the majority of recruiters and HR professionals do not have a thorough understanding of the developers. As a result, they have difficulty finding, attracting, and hiring developers. So, what can we do to comprehend the work of developers better?

Below are some ways to help you understand developers better and hire the right one:

Enhance your Technical Skillset Knowledge

Unless you come from the tech industry, it may be challenging to grasp the true nature of your search. Try asking yourself the following questions:

  • Which skills are necessary for a particular job?
  • What’s the difference between a Business Intelligence Analyst, a Front-End Developer, and a Back End Developer?

There are a lot of new programming languages coming out all the time, and these roles are growing quickly. If you don’t keep up with these rapid technological developments, you’ll miss out on a lot of opportunities.

Understand your Intended Audience and Study their Language

Establishing a detailed and accurate picture of your prospective target is critical here. The term “candidate persona” means the person you envision as the ideal hire in recruiting. Candidate personas taken literally could lead you to chase mythical animals.

You don’t have to pick up some sort of programming language. But there are a lot of technical terms used by programmers, and you need to know at least a few of them. If you don’t learn the fundamentals of programming, developers will doubt your ability to make an informed judgment about whether or not they are a good fit for a position.

Know their Wants and Needs

To get the attention of excellent developers, hiring managers should offer them something they don’t currently have or something better than what they have. It’s critical that you understand what drives developers. So, you must know what their deepest desires and aspirations are. Hiring managers must build a strong relationship with their potential developers in order to bring them into the company. Focus your recruitment efforts on that goal and personalise your recruitment process.

Finding the best developers for your company can be tricky; that’s why hiring managers should know what to look for in a developer and understand how you can find the best developers around. Follow the tips above and good luck!

Finding Your Dream Job Through The Internet

Finding Your Dream Job Through The Internet

The days of searching through classified advertisements and sending out resumes that wind up in the office shredder is long gone. With a few mouse clicks, job seekers may now browse for job positions across the globe and apply for them from the comfort of their own homes. When it comes to finding a job, the Internet can handle much of the legwork provided you know how to use the right tools.

Today, we are seeing a shift from traditional job searching to online job searching. The best part is applicants don’t even have to leave the house to get their dream job. Finding jobs online may entail using social media, job search engines, job websites and job aggregators. Job websites can provide information about what type of work each organization does, its size, how many employees it has, the types of benefits offered, and compensation information. There is much more information about job posts available for applicants to access online.

Finding Job Online

In finding jobs online, applicants can visit job websites to create a free account and upload their resumes. By doing this, employers can locate applicants if they match the qualifications they are looking for. Creating an account through job websites is a great way to get a resume in front of employers, but applicants must keep in mind that they need to spend a lot of time searching for jobs on the Internet to find what suits them best.

After creating an account through job websites, applicants have an option to sign up for job alerts. Some job websites send email alerts to candidates when a position becomes available that matches their requirements. Another option is to follow a company’s social media accounts, posting opportunities and open positions.

Another cool thing about searching for jobs online is that applicants can filter their searches. By doing that, applicants can have specific results based on the filters they apply during the search, such as location, salary, number of employees, job titles, date posted, and job type (full-time, part-time, freelancing, contractual, project base).

Applying for your Dream Job

Once applicants find their desired job online, the next step is to apply for it. The initial step in a job application is to show interest in the job vacancy, and the job application will be made with the help of the Internet.

Employers increasingly require applicants to submit their resumes on the Internet in an effort to make the application process more accessible to all competent candidates. These applications may ask for basic contact information and work history, but they most often focus on the applicant’s education, skills, and experience. Applicants may be required to submit an online resume or link to a LinkedIn profile if requested.

Nowadays, most of the hiring process can be done online from pre-employment tests, phone or video interviews, and even onboardings. But before that, applicants must ensure that their resume stands out from the others. Good luck!

Why Do Graphic Design Resumes Get Discarded?

Why Do Graphic Design Resumes Get Discarded?

Numerous competent and accomplished graphic designers have their resumes stored in the circular file bin, often known as the trash can or recycling bin. Do you know what’s going on with these well-trained and worthy graphic designers? Some beginner graphic designers make tiny, avoidable mistakes in their resumes. And this is why employers reject their applications.

Common errors in graphic design resumes

Among the most common mistakes individuals make when applying for their first job as a graphic designer is to show off the design skills in their resume rather than just describing them. Resumes for graphic designers should be clean and concise. There is no place for fancy fonts, graphics, or page borders on a Curriculum vitae for a graphic design position. Although they will capture the attention of recruiters, these graphic design resumes will be laughed at and discarded.

Before submitting a resume to potential companies, many individuals commit the second most frequent mistake. They fail to review their documents. Hiring managers believe that graphic designers lack attention to detail if their resumes contain errors or one noticeable typo. Regardless of how talented the designer is, the employer will still discard the application.

The third most common mistake affects the creation of a graphic design resume. Failing to present one’s talents, skills, and qualities appropriately. The designers’ work history should contain dates, job titles and the names of their supervisors, and the locations of the companies where they worked. Moreover, if the applicant works as an intern or employee at a graphic design business, they should reflect it in their resume.

Other reasons for discarding a graphic design resume

It is not only the lack of experience that causes a graphic designer’s resume to get discarded. It is also not advisable to include non-graphic design-related hobbies, skills, and affiliations.

Candidates having a college background, membership in professional groups, or other credentials in graphic design should include these on their resumes. Keep in mind that the applicant’s educational background is a great way to show their abilities and qualities. Recruiters will reject graphic design resumes that lack this information in favor of more qualified candidates.

If the job seeker has not finished their college education yet, they have considerable talents or achievements connected to graphic design while in high school, they should not put their high school education on their resumes for graphic design.

Applicants’ graphic design resumes should not include any false, fraudulent, or overstated data. This unethical behaviour might also result in the loss of jobs acquired by providing false or overstated graphic design resumes.

How To Find The Best Jobs In Digital Technology

How To Find The Best Jobs In Digital Technology

As a computer professional, one would want to know how to find the best jobs in digital technology in Australia. The Australian dollar is currently valued at around 67 cents against the US dollar, making it one of the more lucrative in the world for skilled professionals to work in digital technology. In fact, jobs in Australia are amongst the highest in the industry, especially with the current economic growth when many other countries are struggling with employment issues. There are several factors that contribute to the relatively high salaries in this sector, including the benefits and the incentives offered by the employer.

Incentive programs

One of the most important factors in determining how to find the best jobs in digital technology in Australia is the company’s incentive program. It is important to note that in addition to an attractive compensation package, the company should be able to offer other types of incentives, such as paid time off, paid sick leave, business travel expenses, as well as other types of benefits. These benefits can help to attract the best and most deserving candidates, which should be considered if you aim to receive the highest salaries in this field.

Other perks

Many companies also offer perks such as free laptops and other electronic devices, or even discounts on other computer supplies when a specified number of years of service is completed. These perks, coupled with their attractive compensation packages, can significantly increase your salary in this industry. This makes proper selection it all the more important for new digital technology professionals, so research the market and locate the best companies with the best perks and incentives.

Look at smaller and larger companies

If you have your mindset on a specific area of digital technology like web design, content management, software development, video production or other areas, it may be worth your while to also seek out employment in smaller companies and ask about the possibility of working as an intern with a larger company first. You will learn a lot about the industry, develop work experience and meet others who have the same interests and goals as you. This experience can be invaluable when it comes time to start seeking higher-level positions in the future.