What Makes Mining Engineering an Ideal Career?

What Makes Mining Engineering an Ideal Career?

Choosing a job path for the future may be a challenging decision. You may not be suited for an office environment, but you like working with your hands and being outside. It is possible to have a fulfilling and prosperous career in mining, especially in Mining or Geological Engineering. These professions will allow you to use your hands and design new and exciting ways of extracting precious metals from the earth.

Over the past few years, there has been a surge in demand for experienced mining personnel. The Australian Bureau of Statistics predicts that the Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction industry will grow by 13% between 2014 and 2024, much faster than the average growth rate across all sectors.

Duties of a Mining Engineer

Mining and geological engineers are responsible for designing open-pit or underground mining facilities. A safe and efficient mine to operate might be a daunting task. As long as you appreciate a challenge, this is a good fit.

Mining and Geological Engineers are expected to undertake a wide range of tasks, including:

  • Oversee the building of mineshafts and tunnels.
  • Facilitate the transportation of minerals to processing facilities.
  • Analyze how well the mining activities are doing
  • Solve the pollution problems of water and air and land reclamation and sustainability.

A successful and safe human capital operation relies on the performance of all of the mentioned responsibilities.

The Workplace

Mining is more than simply excavating a hole. Climate-controlled test facilities or distant locations for gas extraction and engineering firms are possible options for those who want to work with robots.

Even if you’re working in an office, you’ll have to work outdoors in all kinds of weather.

Soft Skills

Emotional intelligence and the capacity to connect with others are critical because of the dangers involved in the mining sector. There will be more safety and efficiency in the mine if everyone thinks and acts like the boss.

You’ll need these skills to succeed in the mining industry:

  • Analytical abilities are required for locating new mines and creating mining infrastructure.
  • Because of your impact on mine output and worker safety, you’ll need strong decision-making abilities.
  • Critical thinking abilities that allow for logical sequencing of tasks.
  • Handling challenges during mining construction, processing or reclamation operations require problem-solving skills.

Salary and Benefits

Mining engineers receive an excellent compensation package. In addition to being paid a competitive salary, mining engineers can also expect to receive significant bonuses. Mining engineers that have been in the field for many years and have worked on large projects may receive stock options or other types of long-term incentive plans. Mining engineering is one of the highest paying engineering jobs.

Being a mining engineer is a fantastic opportunity for the future generation of environmentally concerned and technologically competent professionals who want to contribute to the growth of the global economy.

Now that you know what makes a mining engineering job ideal, do you think this is something you would want to pursue in the future? A mining engineer has many responsibilities like determining the mines’ layout, designing and manufacturing the machinery for ore processing, surveying and planning for future activities and operations, etc. A mining engineer is a vital person in the mining industry because he is responsible for the safety of all workers in the mines and their lives.

Finding the Best Paid Jobs in Australian Mining

Finding the Best Paid Jobs in Australian Mining

The global demand for minerals and precious metals has created a boom in Australia’s mining industries. In addition, mining jobs offer a variety of perks including excellent work conditions, a high annual salary and retirement plans. These perks are often what lure people to move overseas to work for these companies. But, the pay is not the only consideration for those seeking employment with mining companies. It is important to look at the type of living conditions offered and the possibility of a bonus or other incentives when deciding if mining jobs are right for you.

Extra incentives

Most mining companies employ staff that live in temporary accommodation. The higher wages balance the poor living conditions and are just part of the reason so many workers choose mining as a career path. For these workers, the benefits provided by many mining companies are exciting. Fortunately, some mining companies have provide generous health benefits, dental insurance and monthly leave compensation packages that can improve the quality of life for many mining workers.

Bonuses and benefits

Many miming companies offer bonuses to lure new workers, with miners receiving a number of attractive benefits. Some mining companies offer cash bonuses to employees who remain at their posts beyond the initial period of time. Others offer stock options that vest over a period of time. If the employee decides to sell his shares, he receives a cash bonus based upon the current market price of the shares, which can re really good.

Staying with the company

Bonuses are only offered to miners who remain at their jobs for twelve months or more. Additionally, some mining companies award directors with bonuses, share options and special leave pay. These benefits may be tax-free or incentivises, but they are typically not given to all employees. As with bonuses, it is important to see what is offered and if you qualify for any of these incentives before signing on with a particular mining company. Some mining companies also offer voluntary retirement programs in which miners can agree to retire after a certain amount of time. Regardless of what company a worker signs up with, it is important to look into any and all of the offered perks and incentives.

Research online

Another way of finding out what the best jobs are available in Australian mining is to do your own research online. There are a number of websites on the Internet that have listings of mining jobs around the world. These websites are especially useful if you are based outside of Australia and cannot access information about local jobs. Mining recruitment agencies can also prove to be helpful when you are looking for a position in the mining industry. The advantage of using a recruitment agency is that they have access to a number of excellent jobs, which can help to speed up the process of finding a good position.

Before you apply…

Before you begin applying for positions with mining companies, you should be aware that it can take some time before you find something. For this reason, many individuals choose to get their foot in the door by joining recruitment agencies and signing on with them first. Once you find a position that suits your qualifications and interests, you will be able to make a name for yourself in the industry. When you have worked your way up through the ranks, you may find that there is a number of open positions available.

The Best Opportunities For Operations Managers

The Best Opportunities For Operations Managers

With a large number of Australian mining industries in operation, the demand for experienced and skilled Operations Managers is projected to grow at an ever-increasing rate. In order to be competitive in their field, these operators must have a wide range of specialised skills such as management of resources, administration and planning as well as a broad understanding of various technology related developments. The large amount of money involved in operating the mining industries means that there will be a high demand for well qualified personnel with proven track records. The main areas of employment for these professionals include surface mining, underground mining, precious stone and metal extraction, gold refining and additional exploration and production sectors. Recruitment agencies in Australia are constantly looking for capable candidates to fill available positions in these various sectors.

The mining industry is growing

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mining industry is expected to continue growing at a CAGR of 4% over the next decade. Recruitment agencies in Australia are currently recruiting a large number of operators who can perform all the required duties relating to mining operations. These positions require a great deal of knowledge of the workings of the various mines and also involve detailed analysis of the data provided by operational engineers. For example, if a mine has been found to have a fault which could cause accidents, then an emergency plan must be implemented to ensure maximum safety.

Opportunities are expanding

According to some government agencies, the leading area in which new job opportunities are being discovered by recruitment agencies is in the “Mining Technology” sector. “Mining Technology” encompasses all those areas of specialised knowledge needed by mining organisations in their operations. This includes the development and design of new mines, the construction and operation of mines, the mining and recovery of metals and minerals, petroleum refining and production, and the manufacture of mechanical and electrical equipment used in the mines. Recruitment agencies in Australia are actively recruiting skilled individuals who have the ability to develop and design new mines or supervise or manage existing mines.

New expertise is in demand

According to the same statistics, the leading field in which new mangers are being developed is in the “Geology and Geophysical Science” field. Geologists and geophysicists are required to operate in extreme environments where their knowledge and skills are absolutely essential. They are generally responsible for collecting, processing, preparing, and analysing samples. Many of these positions require advanced degrees such as graduate studies in earth sciences or geology.

Specialised knowledge is a pathway to success

Mining operations require a great deal of technical knowledge of how to mine for precious metals and minerals. Operations mangers are also required to ensure that workers are staying safe and are not exposed to any hazardous materials. In some positions, specifically those in “mineral extraction,” an individual will need to handle dangerous chemicals and substances. Other positions, such as those in the mineral transport and logistics field require that employees have specific training and experience. As one can see, mining operations mangers have an array of responsibilities.

Investigate your best opportunities

The best opportunities for operations mangers exist in those companies that are flexible, creative and willing to hire experienced professionals. Managers who possess these qualities are typically sought after by corporate and private clients because they bring the skills, education, and personality that is necessary to successfully run these types of operations. If you are interested in becoming a manager or think you might be a good manager, take the time to conduct some in-depth research to find some of the best opportunities for operations mangers. You may be surprised to learn that the position is both fun and exciting and can provide a great deal of personal satisfaction.