The global demand for minerals and precious metals has created a boom in Australia’s mining industries. In addition, mining jobs offer a variety of perks including excellent work conditions, a high annual salary and retirement plans. These perks are often what lure people to move overseas to work for these companies. But, the pay is not the only consideration for those seeking employment with mining companies. It is important to look at the type of living conditions offered and the possibility of a bonus or other incentives when deciding if mining jobs are right for you.

Extra incentives

Most mining companies employ staff that live in temporary accommodation. The higher wages balance the poor living conditions and are just part of the reason so many workers choose mining as a career path. For these workers, the benefits provided by many mining companies are exciting. Fortunately, some mining companies have provide generous health benefits, dental insurance and monthly leave compensation packages that can improve the quality of life for many mining workers.

Bonuses and benefits

Many miming companies offer bonuses to lure new workers, with miners receiving a number of attractive benefits. Some mining companies offer cash bonuses to employees who remain at their posts beyond the initial period of time. Others offer stock options that vest over a period of time. If the employee decides to sell his shares, he receives a cash bonus based upon the current market price of the shares, which can re really good.

Staying with the company

Bonuses are only offered to miners who remain at their jobs for twelve months or more. Additionally, some mining companies award directors with bonuses, share options and special leave pay. These benefits may be tax-free or incentivises, but they are typically not given to all employees. As with bonuses, it is important to see what is offered and if you qualify for any of these incentives before signing on with a particular mining company. Some mining companies also offer voluntary retirement programs in which miners can agree to retire after a certain amount of time. Regardless of what company a worker signs up with, it is important to look into any and all of the offered perks and incentives.

Research online

Another way of finding out what the best jobs are available in Australian mining is to do your own research online. There are a number of websites on the Internet that have listings of mining jobs around the world. These websites are especially useful if you are based outside of Australia and cannot access information about local jobs. Mining recruitment agencies can also prove to be helpful when you are looking for a position in the mining industry. The advantage of using a recruitment agency is that they have access to a number of excellent jobs, which can help to speed up the process of finding a good position.

Before you apply…

Before you begin applying for positions with mining companies, you should be aware that it can take some time before you find something. For this reason, many individuals choose to get their foot in the door by joining recruitment agencies and signing on with them first. Once you find a position that suits your qualifications and interests, you will be able to make a name for yourself in the industry. When you have worked your way up through the ranks, you may find that there is a number of open positions available.