Wendy Ziersch · Practice Manager · Murray Bridge Medical

Wendy Ziersch · Practice Manager · Murray Bridge Medical

When asked to provide a testimonial, I have to say I was reluctant to do this. If we tell others how good she has been to us, they will want to use her as well and that could potentially restrict her time with us.

We came to know Pip recently on our search for doctors for a variety of surgery locations across South Australia and in particular Adelaide metro. Pip has spent time to get to know our surgery locations, the community information, tourism and services require to suit the doctors search. She has provided Leadership, instruction and suggestions on best ways to market ourselves and has worked tirelessly to assist our organisations surgeries. Matching the doctors and the new team is especially important to her and the passion that she commits is evident in the questions and quest to find that. The prompt replies to phone calls and emails is especially remarkable, including in the afterhours scope when doctors have time to look at future prospects. We highly recommend Pip and look forward to further positive recruitment experiences.

Wendy Ziersch · Practice Manager · Murray Bridge Medical

Marisa Peronace · Practice Manager · Health 104

I would like to give you some feedback regarding one of your employees Pip Clarke. WOW!!!! Where do I start. Pip has been very supportive due to commencing with the organisation (Health104) one month ago. She has been efficient, helpful, wonderful, amazing and so positive.

Louise Baker · Founder & CEO · Capability Centre

Louise Baker · Founder & CEO · Capability Centre

Founder and CEO, Capability Centre

“I have worked with Josh from Gateway Synergy Recruitment, both as a candidate and as a client. On each occasion, Josh took the time to understand my needs and worked with integrity and determination to find the right fit and keep me updated every step of the way. I highly recommend Josh as a recruitment partner.”

Paul Hickman · National Sales Manager · Ramsetreid

Paul Hickman · National Sales Manager · Ramsetreid

“Screening of candidates was first rate, and we had a total of 14 hires in my time with zero call-back. Paramount to me was a great cultural fit and Josh is extremely good at finding people with the right temperament and soft skills to enable them to fit into a team. Josh understands the needs of our organisation and what we are looking for in terms of candidates and future employees. He also has a detailed understanding of our markets and is able to provide our hiring managers with advice every step of the way throughout the recruitment process.”

Ryan Brown · Equity Partner · NGS Crypto Mining

Ryan Brown · Equity Partner · NGS Crypto Mining

“I was referred to Josh as someone that could help us scale quickly, and they were not wrong, Josh time and time again puts the best fit sales and marketing talent on our doorstep and has also been extremely helpful in corporate advice. We have since enjoyed man laughs and conversations until today!”

Angela Millis · Head Of Coffee · TwentyFiveFour

Angela Millis · Head Of Coffee · TwentyFiveFour

“I have worked for several national carrier coffee roasters at management level, and when I received a call and pitch to head up coffee sales and build product for TwentyFiveFour I made the move to be a part of the veteran profit for purpose brand! Since then, Josh has helped us build an amazing team, and we work closely together still today!”