The Difference between above and below the line spending and defence allocation of capabilities and responsibilities.

The Difference between above and below the line spending and defence allocation of capabilities and responsibilities.


Above the line refers to the areas of the budget where money is allocated for discretionary spending, while below the line refers to the mandatory spending that makes up the majority of government spending. The above the line/below the line distinction is important because it reflects the different ways in which money can be spent. Above the line spending is voted on by parliament and can be changed or cancelled relatively easily, while below the line spending is set in stone and cannot be easily changed. This difference in flexibility reflects the different priorities of above and below the line spending. Above the line spending is focused on things like defence and government administration, while below the line spending is focused on things like social welfare and healthcare.

The different priorities of above and below the line spending are also reflected in the different ways in which money is raised. Above the line spending is funded by taxes, while below the line spending is funded by government borrowing. This difference reflects the different priorities of the two types of spending. Above the line spending is seen as more important, since it is necessary for running the government and defending the country. Below the line spending is seen as less important, since it is not necessary for running the government or defending the country. This difference in priority means that above the line spending is more likely to be funded by taxes, while below the line spending is more likely to be funded by government borrowing.

This difference in funding can have serious consequences for the economy. Above the line spending is funded by taxes, which means that there is less money available for private sector investment. This can lead to a decrease in economic growth and an increase in unemployment. Below the line spending, on the other hand, is funded by government borrowing, which means that there is more money available for private sector investment. This can lead to an increase in economic growth and a decrease in unemployment.

Above and below the line spending can also have serious consequences for government debt levels. Above the line spending is funded by taxes, which means that government debt levels will increase if there is a shortfall in tax revenue. Below the line spending, on the other hand, is funded by government borrowing, which means that government debt levels will increase if there is a shortfall in borrowing capacity. This difference in funding can lead to a significant increase in government debt levels over time.

Above the line and below the line spending is also reflected in the different ways in which money is allocated for defence. Above the line spending is focused on things like military hardware, while below the line spending is focused on things like personnel and pensions. This difference in focus reflects the different priorities of above and below the line spending. Above the line spending is focused on defending the country, while below the line spending is focused on taking care of the people who defend the country. This difference in priority means that above the line spending is more likely to be focused on military hardware, while below the line spending is more likely to be focused on personnel and pensions.


Above the Line (ATL) organisations are working on behalf of the Commonwealth (Defence). When the Australian Defence Force (ADF) has a capability requirement, ATL companies help Defence define it, acquire it and sustain it. ATL people tend to approach projects at a concept level, and help Defence evaluate their needs and assess outcomes.

Below the Line (BTL) organisations, on the other hand, are tasked with delivery of the contracted capabilities. They’re the ones who get into the detailed design and delivery aspects of a given piece of equipment or system.


The role of ATL organisations is to understand the higher-level capabilities required by the ADF, assist in the concept development, management of the tender process, contract negotiations, governance and reviews, and ensure the project is properly delivered.  It’s important to note that this work is always being undertaken on behalf of Defence.ATL will help the ADF define what the capability requirement is and develop a Request for Tender (RFT). ATL also contribute to tender evaluation to make sure that Defence engages the right BTL solution.Commonly, Defence appoints ATL support through the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group’s (CASG) Defence Support Services (DSS) panel


Once a tender has been released to market, it’s up to BTL to bid for it.

BTL organisations interested in winning the project will put in a bid for the work, including planning, designing, and presenting a solution that they believe meets the capability requirement. After a thorough assessment and negotiation phase, the successful BTL company will be awarded the contract. That’s when they can get cracking with the project.

The role of BTL is to build, test, integrate, and coordinate the completion and delivery of the capability throughout the tender process. The details they need to deliver on include timelines, budget, workforce, and project specifications. The ATL organisations will work with them to oversee the delivery phases, assess their progress, and give feedback according to the needs of the ADF.

The department responsible for above the line defence spending is the Ministry of Defence. This ministry is responsible for allocating money for things like military hardware, and it is responsible for ensuring that the military has the resources it needs to defend the country.

The department responsible for below the line in defence spending is the Ministry of Defence. This ministry is responsible for allocating money for things like personnel and pensions, and it is responsible for ensuring that the military has the resources it needs to take care of the people who defend the country.

If you’re considering a career in the defense industry, then it’s important to consider the above, working above or below, public or private will have a very different feel and responsibilities to the job. For more information regarding defence industry jobs contact Gateway Synergy Recruitment for a free discussion or visit