Why don’t more companies hire vets, because they possess the work ethic and other characteristics that are required in today’s business world? The fact of the matter is that there are many outstanding veterans who were never interested in applying for a job because they lacked the qualifications or the personality to get ahead climbing the corporate ladder. As a former service member, I can tell you from personal experience that the skills and work ethic you need as an employer are there in abundance with most veterans.

Give Veterans Priority

Why employers should give veterans top priority when looking to fill open positions
In today’s economy, jobs are not always readily available, and most people have at least some level of education that they need to advance in the career ladder. The lack of qualified job-seekers has created a huge demand for trained veterans in all different areas of the work-force. Due to the lack of available jobs veterans are forced to transition into the workforce from one stage of their career to the next in order to support themselves and their families.

Military Experience is Useful

Military experience is one of the primary benefits that employers should look for when screening job-seekers. However, the problem is that most of us have either never been in the military or haven’t had any type of military experience. There are many individuals who come into the workplace with a number of different types of personal problems that prevent them from progressing to a higher level in their position. Very few individuals have served in the military and gained the necessary skills that are required of them for success within the workplace. This is why employers should hire veterans and give them top priority when it comes to recruiting workers with military experience.

Remove Obstacle for Veterans

Why do so many veterans face personal obstacles in the job search? The reality is that there are many veterans who were either discharged or injured due to the actions of their fellow countrymen. Those who were unable to continue their education in the military or those who left the armed forces before completing their terms find that they face numerous obstacles on the job search. These include a lack of relevant work experience, a lack of relevant skills and an unsupportive supervisors.

Make Reasonable Allowances for Veterans

A number of veterans face a number of issues that are unique to them individually. Many veterans face issues such as poor communication skills, lack of job skills and an unsupportive supervisor. Because of these individual challenges many unemployed veterans face a difficult task finding gainful employment. This is why employers need to hire veterans as a major domestic and foreign direct resource. One major benefit of this hiring strategy is that employers receive an immediate, qualified and highly skilled resource on the job market.

Military Skills are Valuable in Civilian Life

Veterans can also translate military experience to civilian life in numerous ways. When individuals leave the service, they may face a variety of employment and life challenges. Often these challenges cannot be translated to civilian life effectively. Individuals who return from military service with a variety of injuries will face unique employment and life challenges. Often these challenges cannot be effectively translated to civilian life.