All employers seek the ideal employee. Hardworking and reliable, dependable and credible – and honest, too. This is just a fraction of what we could include! One of the most important things to keep in mind is that no one is perfect. Even so, both employees and employers seek to maintain the closest semblance of perfection as possible. An employee’s honesty is one of those factors that can make or break a business relationship. Because of this, you’ll need to figure out which of your values is most important. That is why you begin with a bit of old-fashioned mind-mapping.

You are going to receive a lot of applications, and you need to be able to sift through them in a short amount of time, so it’s necessary to have a system in place that will help you establish a quick and clear view of who is worth the follow-up call or interview. There are plenty of points to consider when hiring: skills and experience, but there is something much more important than this – trustworthiness!

To the best of your ability, you should know what drives your new employee and whether or not you can deliver it. In the mornings, what gets your new employee out of bed? Is it because they enjoy their work or because they are paid a fair salary? Would they instead receive monetary compensation or have the option to work from home? What kind of reward do they want? Their preferred management style is either one that gives them lots of freedom or gives them clear instructions and step-by-step tasks. You’ll need all of this information to ensure you’re a good match.

Your new employee should possess the top qualities that your company needs. These qualities should be on your shortlist as a minimum requirement for the position. Let’s go over them one by one.


Ask them to justify something challenging they’ve done in an interview. This is a great way to assess a candidate’s knowledge and motivation. Communication clarity and audience understanding are also social skills indicators. The candidate could talk about a hobby, a movie, or a recipe. Workplace expertise and passion contribute to a person’s charisma and enthusiasm. You can test their knowledge of a complex subject by asking them questions. Look at a person’s face to see if they can speak clearly. Keep in mind how they would respond to a friend if asked about their answers.


You can test this by asking them about a recent mistake they’ve made during an interview. The ultimate test of self-awareness is this question. Candidates who can talk openly about when they made a mistake are a good bet (perfectionists who obsess over their own mistakes are easily noticeable). You want them to take responsibility for their errors and be able to explain what they’ve learned from them. Be on the lookout for candidates who try to cover up their mistakes by fabricating answers or blaming others for their misfortunes. Although a well-prepared candidate should be awaiting this question, the authenticity with which they respond reveals a lot about their character and personality in general.

Ability to be Completely Honest

Ask the candidate in the interview, “What are two negative qualities that your friends or family would say you have?” Give them time to think. It’s best not to ignore this vital question. It reveals their self-awareness and transparency. The best candidates are those who are honest about their flaws. Plus, points if they can honestly explain how they plan to improve.

Character and Cultural Fit

As part of the initial stages of the hiring process, it’s essential to select an appropriate mix of education and work experience. This data is unbiased and aids in selecting the most qualified applicants for an interview. Discuss the management style and team environment that best suits their preferences. Learn about your coworkers’ extracurricular activities, such as sports or music. Please consult with your coworkers to learn about their experiences dealing with specific issues that arose in the workplace. It’s critical to hire someone whose character complements the values of your business.


Handling a staff you don’t trust is exhausting enough. So, how do you tell if you can trust a person? Consider these three points. First, is this person invested in my business and me? Second, do they do what they promise promptly and continuously? Finally, is this person skilful in the areas claimed? Consider them before committing. Ask the same questions of their reference person.

Now that you know the top qualities needed in hiring new employees try to think of other excellent qualities that might benefit you and your company.