There are several obstacles to running your own business, including attracting consumers, securing proper insurance, and enlisting the support of extra staff. The same qualities you need to get a job as a freelancer, contractor, or new company owner include tenacity, enthusiasm, and perseverance. How can an employer be concerned about self-employment on a resume?

Interview questions relating to self-employment

Self-employment on a resume seeking a full-time job might raise red flags for prospective employers. They might ask questions like:

-Were you self-employed because you were unemployed or wanted to work for yourself rather than a company?
-Are you still a freelancer or consultant? If yes, do you plan to conduct this work alongside your full-time job?
-Is your self-employment a potential conflict of interest?
-Are you a part-time freelancer or contractor who never intends to replace full-time employment?
-Do you want to own your own company in the future?

These are all fair questions for a prospective employer. Employers don’t want to recruit, train, and benefit you for a year just to have you leave to start your firm. This is why prior or present self-employment raises red lights for employers.

The best way to address any self-employment on your resume is to highlight the positives of working as a freelancer or managing your own business. Your resume must include an employment history that is honest and relevant to your career goals.

Tips on adding self-employment to your resume

If you only take on freelance work and do not plan to make it a full-time job, you may leave it off your Curriculum vitae. You should only put freelance employment on your resume if it helps you fill in any employment gaps. Contractors and company owners must include their experience on their resumes. Highlight the employment experience that makes you the best candidate for the position. Relate your work duties to your professional goals and evaluate your accomplishments when relevant. Demonstrate your self-starter mindset in your qualifications part. Include any employable skills you developed or improved while self-employed.

Your cover letter or email should also address the worries of your prospective employer as a last demonstration of your dedication to the position. Seek advice from a career counsellor if your resume generates concerns. Consider telling your employer about your long-term professional ambitions and how you plan to combine duties at both companies if you still run your own business but seek a full-time job. Be proud of your independence. Your CV and cover letter should portray you as a passionate and knowledgeable expert. Let the employer know how your freelancing experiences and talents will assist the organization if you are hired.