Employers increasingly require potential employees to verify their education. According to one startling statistic, 27% of job applications and resumes include ‘exaggerations’ regarding academic accomplishments. This is why doing a thorough resume review is a vital component of choosing strategically. Education verification programs are essential in identifying the most qualified candidates for a position.

Before candidates are considered, they must have verifiable proof of their educational attainment. For those individuals who cannot provide verification through a degree, certificate or transcript from an accredited institution, education verification may be done by another means such as a high school transcript, high school diploma, General Educational Development (GED) test results or recent work experience.

The types of personnel you choose will significantly impact your company’s reputation for offering the highest-quality services and products in the market. In order to ensure that candidates and prospective recruits have gotten the appropriate training and knowledge to do their jobs effectively, it is only smart to conduct background checks.

You may use educational and resume verification checks to learn about a candidate’s major, degree, graduation status, year graduated, and awards obtained. Notification of any inaccurate information will be provided, such as a degree that the applicant did not finish but stated otherwise in their resume.

Fraudulent Practices in Education

There is more educational fraud than you may believe. In order to look more qualified for the position, many job candidates fabricate their credentials, schooling background, and career history. Fraud is commonplace in today’s highly competitive job market, taking advantage of the increasing demand for education, training, and experience. 

False information found on an applicant’s resumé may cost you money and effort if you use it to make recruitment and pay decisions. Employers may need to research an applicant’s education and work history to determine whether or not they are lying. This is time-consuming and could cost your company money if you hire the wrong person because they lied about their resumé.

A false statement that an applicant didn’t get the job because of their resumé gives rise to one of two potential claims. First, you may be liable for “negligent hiring” if you failed to investigate sufficiently to learn of the falsity. Second, if you fire the employee and later discover the error, you may be liable for wrongful discharge.

Bad Hires

Missing to determine an applicant’s educational background may lead to a bad hire. The productivity of your business will suffer as a result of bad hiring, and your employee turnover will rise. These issues may be avoided by verifying a candidate’s resume. Because of the complexity of A Good Employee’s investigations, you’ll have the information you need to make an informed hiring choice.

Incomplete or inaccurate documentation of prior educational history may make the hiring process difficult. Furthermore, the lack of complete and accurate education history may disqualify the applicant from obtaining the necessary licensing.

Why do employers need to check the education of new hires?

It is crucial to know whether the applicant has the required educational background before making a job offer. All decisions made in hiring an applicant who lied about their educational background can lead to numerous issues later. So, make sure to verify your applicant’s educational background.