To be considered for almost any job, you almost always have to submit an application in the form of a letter. As an introduction, it explains why you’re writing, highlights some of your achievements or capabilities, and proposals a chance to talk in person with the prospective employer.

A well-written cover letter can make or break you in the hiring process, so you shouldn’t skimp on attention to detail when crafting it. Think about how effective you are at communicating as well as the accomplishments you’ve listed in it. The content, format, and tone of a cover letter differ depending on the applicant’s position. Try asking for feedback on your letter from at least a few professionals in your field who have gotten jobs or hired people in the past.


Here are some tips in writing your cover letter:

  1. Keep your letter to one page at the most. Be clear and concise in your writing.
  2. Take a look at what the employer is looking for and what you have to offer. You can then use this information to craft a letter that appeals to the employer’s self-interest.
  3. Make an effort to personalize each cover letter in response to a specific job posting. If possible, show that you have some familiarity with the company to which you’re applying.
  4. Avoid jargon and write in a clear, mature style. Don’t use long, complex sentences or paragraphs. Confidence, positivity, and enthusiasm should be combined with respect and professionalism when communicating through active verbs and the active voice.
  5. Prevent hard-sell, generic, or unorthodox letters, but show some personality. Begin quickly and draw attention right away.
  6. The points should be arranged in a logical order, and each paragraph should focus on a single point.


Ask yourself the following questions to guide you in writing your cover letter:

  1. Whom am I addressing it?
  2. What do I hope to accomplish?
  3. Whom am I trying to reach, and what are they hoping to accomplish?
  4. What is the best way to convey my goals in relation to my audience’s needs and objectives?
  5. Why should my target audience care about what I have to say?
  6. What is the best way to get my reader’s attention and encourage them to continue reading my piece?
  7. How can I keep the reader’s interest and desire high enough throughout the letter to keep them engaged?
  8. What proof can I use to demonstrate my worth to my audience?
  9. In the case of a letter containing a resume, what is the best way to promote it in the letter itself?
  10. What is the best way to seal the deal and convince the reader to get in touch with me for more information?
  11. Is this letter my best work to date in terms of professionalism?
  12. Has the letter been thoroughly rewritten, revised, and proofread by me?


Follow the following tips to format your cover letter properly:

  1. Use a word processing software or type each letter individually.
  2. Make use of high-quality bond paper.
  3. Always use the employer’s full name and title when communicating with them.
  4. There should be no grammatical errors, punctuation, or spelling anywhere in the document. In addition, it should be free of mistakes in any way. Ensure that your work is error-free!
  5. Use a standard business letter format. When in doubt, seek assistance from the Writing Center.

Follow the tips here, and good luck with writing your cover letter!