How can veterans transition from military to civilian life comfortably? Some were trained for years to be in combat, and the sudden change can leave them with a sense of purposelessness. 

The transition from military to civilian life can be daunting for some. Understanding job titles and responsibilities and whether your expertise and experiences qualify you for a given position can be challenging to decipher. Interviewing and onboarding may be new steps for those coming from a structured environment like the military. But remember that as a veteran, you bring unique perspectives to the workplace, which must be marketed effectively.

Below are some tips for veterans’ job search:

Start Your Job Hunt Early

As soon as a veteran leaves the military, they begin looking for a new job 60-90 days before their contract end. This may sound like much time. However, you should begin the search process even sooner to find the best match possible. As soon as you know when you’ll be leaving your current position, start searching for a new one!

Build relationships and connections to potential employers and open positions by contacting people in your network. You’ll want to know what you like and dislike about different companies’ work environments and cultures. A simple conversation could lead to your next career move, and you never know what you’ll learn from it! Much work goes into preparing for a job interview, but it will pay off in the long run.

Network and Connections

Veteran job seekers will find a wealth of information on LinkedIn. It’s a great way to see what companies highlight in their social media posts and what their employees say about their work. These platforms are a great place to meet other veterans and learn from their experiences. You can learn a lot from them about making a smooth transition into a new position at their company.

Career fairs are also a great way to meet recruiters face-to-face and get your name out there. They are still taking place online and are an excellent opportunity to meet new people and share ideas. Make sure you concentrate on companies that share your experiences and interests by researching.


Try to ask yourself the following questions to figure out what you are really looking for in a job and company. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • To be successful, what are the most critical elements?
  • Do you want to work closely with your manager and colleagues, or would you prefer to be more autonomous to meet your goals? 
  • How important do you consider it to have a solid corporate culture? 
  • Where can you put your strengths and interests to the test in a job that allows you to grow and learn? 

Knowing which opportunities are indeed a good match for your background and goals is something you’ll learn from your research. Employer support for veterans is an important consideration for those who served in the military and are looking for a new job. It would help if you also research the salary and prepare yourself some relevant questions for your future employers if you are given the opportunity to be interviewed. Remember only to ask appropriate and intelligent questions during an interview. Asking unnecessary questions might lead you to fail the job interview.

Prepare your Resume

Your resume is the first thing a hiring manager or recruiting team sees of you, so it’s imperative that it’s polished! Ask a non-military friend, colleague, or connection to look over your resume and provide feedback and suggestions to ensure that your skills and experience are applicable to a wide range of positions. You don’t want to try to fit all of your military-related experience into two pages. If you want to land a specific job, you should tailor your resumes to highlight your strengths in a particular set of skills.

You may be overwhelmed by all of this information, and you may be hesitant to make such a significant career change. You don’t have to take on everything at once. You’ll be able to breeze through the job search and interview processes if you plan ahead. Concentrate your efforts and demonstrate why you’d be a valuable addition to their team to potential employers and recruiters. This advice will help you land your upcoming superb job and begin a new career.