Transitioning from military service to civilian employment can be a challenging journey for many veterans. While the skills and experiences gained in the Defence Force are invaluable, translating these into the civilian job market often requires additional support. Fortunately, Australia offers a range of programs and resources designed specifically to assist veterans in securing meaningful employment. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key support programs available to veterans in Australia.

Government Support Programs

Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA)

The DVA provides various support services tailored to veterans. One such initiative is the Veteran Employment Assistance Initiative, which offers career counselling, resume writing workshops, and interview preparation. The DVA also provides funding for professional development and retraining programs to help veterans acquire new skills relevant to the civilian job market.

Prime Minister’s Veterans’ Employment Program

This program aims to encourage Australian businesses to recognise the unique skills and experiences veterans bring to the workplace. The initiative includes the Veteran Employment Awards, which celebrate employers who have demonstrated excellence in supporting veteran employment. Additionally, the program promotes networking events and workshops where veterans can connect with potential employers.

Non-Government Support Programs

RSL Employment Program

The Returned & Services League (RSL) offers an employment program specifically designed for veterans. This program provides personalised job search assistance, including help with job applications, interview coaching, and connecting veterans with veteran-friendly employers. The RSL also offers mentoring programs where experienced professionals guide veterans through their employment journey.

Soldier On

Soldier On is a national charity that supports veterans and their families in all aspects of their lives, including employment. Their Pathways Program offers job readiness workshops, professional networking opportunities, and access to job vacancies specifically targeting veterans. Soldier On also partners with various businesses to create employment pathways for veterans, ensuring a smoother transition into the civilian workforce.

Education and Training Resources

TAFE NSW Veterans Program

TAFE NSW offers specialised training programs for veterans, focusing on industries with high demand for skilled workers. These programs provide veterans with the opportunity to gain qualifications recognised by civilian employers. Additionally, TAFE NSW offers support services such as career counselling and job placement assistance.

University Programs

Many Australian universities have initiatives aimed at supporting veterans. For example, the **University of New South Wales (UNSW) Canberra** offers the ADF Education Program, which provides veterans with academic support, career counselling, and networking opportunities. Universities also offer recognition of prior learning, allowing veterans to receive credit for their military training and experience, reducing the time required to complete a degree.

Employer Incentives

Defence Force Employer Support Payment Scheme (ESP)

The ESP Scheme provides financial assistance to employers who hire reservists, recognising the value that Defence Force training and experience bring to the workplace. This scheme helps to bridge the gap between military and civilian employment, encouraging more businesses to consider veterans for job vacancies.

Employer Recognition Program

The Employer Recognition Program acknowledges businesses that actively support veteran employment. By promoting these businesses, the program encourages others to follow suit, creating a more veteran-friendly job market. Recognition through this program can also enhance a business’s reputation, attracting a broader customer base and fostering community goodwill.

Networking and Community Support

Veteran Mentoring Programs

Mentoring programs play a crucial role in helping veterans transition to civilian employment. Organisations like the Australian Business Council and Veterans’ Employment Network offer mentoring services, pairing veterans with experienced professionals who provide guidance, advice, and support throughout the job search process.

Online Communities and Forums

Online communities and forums provide veterans with a platform to share experiences, seek advice, and connect with others facing similar challenges. Websites like Veterans’ Employment Network and social media groups dedicated to veteran employment offer valuable resources and support.


The journey from military service to civilian employment is unique for every veteran, but with the right support and resources, it can be a successful transition. By taking advantage of the various government and non-government programs available, veterans can find meaningful employment and continue to make valuable contributions to the workforce. If you or someone you know is a veteran seeking employment, explore these resources to ease the transition and unlock new career opportunities.